Number of faculty
The unit should have a minimum of two faculty members which could be 2 senior
faculty or 1 senior and 1 junior faculty. The eligibility criteria for the faculty have
been defined as follows
A. Exclusive pediatric nephrology practice
1. Faculty should be practising exclusive pediatric nephrology if in private
practice OR
2. Greater than 60% of the time in pediatric nephrology if working full time in a
medical college (as most of these university appointments are as pediatricians;
most universities do not have a pediatric nephrology appointment.)
B. Time spent by the faculty in the pediatric nephrology department
of the applying institute
1 At least one faculty should be full-time
2. Second faculty
a. Should preferably be full-time
b. If part time should be attending the institute 5 days a week and spend 15
hours a week at the institute with one independent teaching session per week
C. Qualifications and experience criteria for faculty
Senior faculty should meet one of the following four criteria
1. DM pediatric nephrology, followed by four years’ work experience practising
exclusive pediatric nephrology post DM
2. FNB pediatric nephrology or a 2-year university pediatric nephrology fellowship
or 2 one-year sequential fellowships (ISPN, IPNA, ISN, MUHS) followed by work
experience of 5 years practising exclusive pediatric nephrology
3. One-year ISPN or IPNA fellowship followed by six years of work experience
practising exclusive pediatric nephrology
4. DM Nephrology (after MD Pediatrics) and 4 years work experience in practicing
exclusive pediatric nephrology
5. For people who have had no formal training, seven years of work experience in a full-
time capacity after completion of MD, DNB pediatrics as a senior resident, lecturer,
associate professor or professor in a large recognized pediatric nephrology department
with at least 10 dedicated beds for pediatric nephrology. This is applicable only to those
who have passed their MD, DNB pediatrics prior to 2005, as formal training
opportunities in pediatric nephrology began only in 2010 in India.
Senior faculty should have actively participated in national academic activities and
published articles in indexed journals
Junior faculty should meet any one of the following three criteria.
1. DM pediatric nephrology followed by one-year work experience exclusively in
pediatric nephrology
2. FNB pediatric nephrology or a 2-year university course in pediatric
nephrology or 2 one-year sequential fellowships (ISPN, IPNA, ISN, MUHS)
followed by two years of work experience exclusively in pediatric nephrology.
3. One-year ISPN, IPNA fellowship followed by three years’ work experience
exclusively in pediatric nephrology.
Junior faculty should have presented papers at national nephrology
conferences and participated in research activities.
4. DM Nephrology (after MD Pediatrics) and 1 years’ work experience practising
exclusive pediatric nephrology post DM
Junior faculty should have presented papers at national nephrology conferences and
participated in research activities