
Rules for the award of Pediatric Nephrology Training Fellowships

1. The Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology Group shall award three Fellowships every year to a pediatrician for training in Pediatric Nephrology.
2. The age of the candidate should be below 45 years.
3. The candidate should preferably be working in a hospital setting.
4. The Head of the Department/ Institution will forward the candidate’s application with an assurance that after satisfactory completion of the training, facilities will be provided to the candidate to develop Pediatric Nephrology.
5. The Training Center will be one approved by the Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology (see list below). The person in charge of the training will provide the necessary facilities for training.
6. The Fellowships should begin before 1 September.
7. The selected Fellow should be a life member of Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology.
8. The Fellow will submit a mid-term and a final report. The trainer will also submit an evaluation of the Fellow’s performance.
9. The cost of travel and accommodation will be borne by the Fellow.
10. A Committee constituted by the Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology will evaluate the applications.
11. The Fellow will be given a grant at the completion of the training. The Fellow is expected to arrange additional funds from his parent institution or alternative sources. The duration of fellowship and the grant amount is as follows-

Shalini- Rakesh Fellowship 18,000/- 3 months
Praveen V. Mehta Fellowship 25,000/- 4 months
ISPN Fellowship(only at AIIMS) 25,000/- 4 months

NB. The applicant may indicate his/her preference for either of the fellowship otherwise he/she will be considered for all of them. Rules can be relaxed at the discretion of the Committee.

Centers Approved for Training
1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
2. Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai
3. Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
5. Kanchi Kamakota Child Trust Hospital, Chennai
6. St. John’s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore
7. Little Stars and She hospital, Hyderabad
8. G.R. Doshi and K.M. Mehta Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre (IKDRC), Ahmedabad (Gujarat University)