Candidates who have passed MD or DNB in pediatrics are eligible to apply for the one-year fellowship course in pediatric nephrology at a recognized institute of their choice
Candidates who have passed MD or DNB in pediatrics are eligible to apply for the one-year fellowship course in pediatric nephrology at a recognized institute of their choice
Candidates who have completed DM, FNB, IPNA, ISN or other equivalent Fellowship courses are eligible to apply for a Certification by ISPN after course completion by applying to the fellowship committee and registering by February 28 th of the current year. Those doing FNB or other 2 year Fellowships may apply after completing one year of training
Selection will be made according to the Local Institute selection criteria
Preference will be given to eligible applicants from areas where pediatric nephrology services are
not existent or are scarce, in keeping with the mission of ISPN to promote the growth of pediatric
nephrology services in all parts of the country
1. Selected candidate should complete the registration formalities.
2. Candidates selected for the fellowship should fill in the registration form online and pay
admission fees of Rs.5000/- within one month of the joining date.
3. Examination will be held on the last weekend of January or the first weekend of
5. Candidates who have joined on or before 1st Feb of the previous year and who will
complete one year of training on or before 31st Jan of the exam year will be eligible to appear for
the exam if their work has been found satisfactory by their training unit.
6. Candidates eligible to take the exam should fill the examination forms and submit the exam
fees of Rs 10,000/- drawn in favour of the Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology by 30th
7. Candidates are required to submit a logbook during their tenure and submit the soft copy of
the same prior to the examination by 31st December of the relevant year.
8. Current exam pattern of 20 MCQs and 10 OSCEs: Ward Rounds and logbook–Total 100 marks
9. Candidates need to score 60 marks to be considered successful at the examination
10. Candidates can avail of leave as per their institute rules during their tenure
11. If the sum total of all leaves including medical leave exceeds one month during their tenure of
one year, the candidate will not be eligible to take the exam in that year end.
Candidates need to maintain a monthly log of the academic activities attended during the month.
This should be signed by the faculty conducting the activity. Candidates are expected to
participate in at least one academic activity every week
The suggested academic activities include lectures, seminars, case discussions, journal club, inter
- departmental meetings as well as regional or national nephrology meetings.
Candidates should be guided in their learning according to the broad syllabus laid down by the ISPN fellowship committee. The learning should include everything mentioned in the syllabus but is not restricted to it.
As pediatric nephrology is still poorly developed in many parts of India, fellows are expected to be
proactive in developing this specialty in India when they finish their training. It is therefore
required for fellows to become members of the following nephrology societies.
A. Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology life member. This should be done at the time of
B. Asian Pediatric Nephrology-International Pediatric Nephrology Association.
Subsidized annual membership is available for the AsPNA-IPNA joint membership –online
application can be done. This should be done at the time of registration. This membership
entitles the members to receive the Pediatric Nephrology Journal online and will be useful for
their learning during the fellowship. Online payment www.AsPNA.org.Contact person for
queries Dr. Anil Vasudevan anil.vasudevan@sjri.res.in
Account name Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology
Bank Name and address State Bank of India, New Delhi
Account no 30125160164
IFSC Code SBIN0001536
Amount to be paid
Rs. 10000 for examination if pursuing an ISPN Fellowship
Rs.12000 if only writing the exam for ISPN Certification)
The form can be accessed at the link on the ISPN website, also pasted below:
ISPN Fellowship Registration Form (File responses) - Google Drive
Event | Last date |
Registration fees and form submission | 28 th February |
Exam fees and form submission | 30th November |
Logbook submission | 31 st December |
Dr. Indira Agarwal
Chair, ISPN Fellowship
Dr Sudha E
Deputy Chair, ISPN Fellowship