The Nephrology Education from a Pediatrics Residents Outlook (NEfPRO) is an initiative of the Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ISPN) to improve the education and training of post-graduates and trainees in pediatric nephrology.
The NEfPRO shall comprise of 32 webinars (live session with lecture and case-based discussion) conducted at weekly intervals in six modules over seven months from March-October 2023. The webinars will be conducted on every Friday, at 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM, and will comprise of a pre-recorded talk (30 minutes), case discussions (30 minutes), audience questions and answers (15 minutes) and a post-session test (10 minutes). The first session, coinciding with the World Kidney day celebrations, will be conducted on 10 March 2023.
The participants are expected to comprise of pediatric residents in training, past or current pediatric nephrology fellows, and senior residents (registrars) in pediatrics. A draft of the Program is enclosed with a flyer.
On behalf of the ISPN, we request your support towards this academic event by participating in this educational activity. Kindly also disseminate the information about this educational opportunity among the postgraduate students, fellows and other trainees at your center. Interested students should register on or before 9 March 2023 using the link and payment portal (INr 2000 for attendance of the entire course of 32 webinars) enclosed in the flyer enclosed with this email.
For any more details, please feel free to reach out to any of us copied in this email.
We look forward to your participation in this academic activity.
On behalf of the Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology, 2022-2023